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Fremont Adopts New Camping Ordinance

TAYLOR LAMBERT February 25, 2025

After weeks of debate, the Fremont City Council voted 6-1 to adopt a "Camping Ordinance." With the approved ordinance, prohibition will take place on public and private property encampments, unlike the previous prohibition, where the City had only banned overnight camping in City Parks for many decades.
In general, the Camping Ordinance has two key components. It prohibits camping on any public property, and restricts camping on private property not designated and equipped for such camping and it prohibits the storing of personal property on any public property. The ordinance considered penalizing any person from helping in an encampment area with a fine or legal charge, but in the end the ordinance will not prohibit the provision of aid and services. Service workers are not prohibited from providing food and clothing to unsheltered community members. Therefore, a person that provides food, water, blankets, a tent, or clothing to another person would not violate the terms of the Camping Ordinance, nor would that constitute aiding and abetting. However, if an individual assists another person to erect a structure within or to start an encampment, they would violate the ordinance. The penalty for noncompliance will be a maximum of $1,000 and six months in jail.
If your livelihood is currently being affected by encampment, you can now report it here... https://www.fremont.gov/residents/report-issues

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