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Free Large Junk Pick-Up

TAYLOR LAMBERT November 5, 2024

Did you know that your City Services will come to your house and pick up your junk for free?  It's true! 
This past week we did a little cleaning at our house and had the City of San Jose come and take a bunch of our old junk.  An old grill, a bed frame, basketball hoop, some old tarps and some other stuff that was clogging up the garage. 
Have you ever said something like, "What are we going to do with this sofa?"
Weeelllll, most likely, the city that you live in will pick it up for FREE.  Depends on what city you live in, but most will come and get up to 10 large items from your house for free. Most cities will let you do it twice a year.  The programs are funded through your property taxes so you pay nothing for this service. 
Click on the city name below for program links...
In San Jose (bottom left icon), you can call (408) 535-3500, or go online to put in a request to have the City come to your house and pick up your big trash items (couch, fridge, furniture, carpets, your junk, big stuff!).
Sunnyvale has a similar program.
Mountain View will pick up twice a year. 
Milpitas has the same program but allows 4 pickups per year.
Santa Clara has their annual junk days, which is always sort of an experience, lol. Everyone leaves their trash out all at once and the streets look like a college dorm room. But it's effective, that's for sure!
Cupertino will do it for you, twice a year
You pay taxes! Probably a lot of them. So make sure you use the programs, my friends.
BTW, if I didn't list your city, just contact us and I'll get you the info. Most of the Bay Area cities provide this service.

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