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10 Years of South Bay Real Estate

TAYLOR LAMBERT January 20, 2025

A couple of things this week...
First off, this week was my 10 year anniversary in real estate! Not that big of a deal to you, lol, but a very big deal to me!  A decade in this business has truly been a heck of a ride. When I started I was running half marathons for fun, now I have grey hair, a gut and lucky to have time to get in a jog a week, haha, it's been a while. We've been able to help around 300 families and individuals realize their real estate goals and I can truly say it's been awesome helping each and every one of you!  Thank you thank you all for your support, referrals, energy and trusting us in helping your friends and family! Your support means so much to us, you don't even know!  In 10 years we've figured out how to be pretty damn good at this, so if you need any help selling or buying property just reach out!  We can help!
Next up, the market is on fire!  Active inventory (homes currently for sale) is up 21% from this same time last year.  BUT!  I'm seeing around double the amount of buyers in the market than we were seeing just a month ago.  So still a strong sellers market, and in the next month or so it'll be an extreme sellers market.  All my lenders are saying the amount of buyers getting preapprovals have about doubled in the last month, so lots of competition for that growing amount of homes on the market.  If you're selling, we can get you a higher price on your sale than you would have just a month ago.  If you're buying, it's still possible, we just got a buyer's offer accepted last night when going up against 10 other offers by using our little book of tricks. 
Have a great week!  Hug your family, call a friend you haven't talked to in a while, and be thankful for what you have.  You're doing great!  Appreciate yourself! 

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